Article Published: Situating Melancholy in Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety

My first article has been published today in the journal, Philosophy and Theology. Nothing like the first time!! It is published in Volume 26, No. 1. 

You can download it here. 


The concept of melancholy is displayed in a myriad of different ways throughout the writings of Kierkegaard, from the mouths of his pseudonymous authors to his personal confessions in his journals, making it difficult to pinpoint its true nature. This paper uses Kierkegaard’s treatise, The Concept of Anxiety, written under the pseudonym Vigilius Haufniensis, as a way to gain deeper insight into the tenor of melancholy. In The Concept of Anxiety, Kierkegaard searches for the root of anxiety and locates it in the first qualitative leap of humanity, which he defines as the first sin. From this analysis, he argues that anxiety forms the backdrop for all sin, including the first sin and all subsequent sins. A closer look at the text, however, reveals that as time goes on, this anxiety increases, due to the accumulation of sin and guilt from all of history, and deepens into another mood, the mood of melancholy or depression [Tungsind]. 

Thus, contrary to the usual interpretation of Kierkegaard, I argue that melancholy is more than an individual’s struggle with existence, but is intimately tied to our historical environment, steeped in this ever-increasing, ever-deepening anxiety, which Kierkegaard calls melancholy or depression. This link between anxiety and melancholy not only clears away misunderstandings about Kierkegaard’s description of melancholy, but it also gives us a fuller appreciation and awareness of our human condition. Such awareness helps us address the issues of depression today and offer support to those currently struggling with it.

2 thoughts on “Article Published: Situating Melancholy in Kierkegaard’s The Concept of Anxiety

  1. I would love to read your complete paper. I am and have been for some time a reader of Kierkegaard. I am a Ministry degree student and feel this would benefit my studies. God bless you, your ministry, and your family.

    Rev. Gary DeSha
    Alexandria, MN


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